

All day, I've been seeing 'January' favourites posts, then I saw Karen's sum up on January, and decided I quite liked that idea! So to borrow an idea from one of my favourite bloggers, here's how my January went.

  • I managed to post 14 times, which is (almost) every second day, which I'm happy with! I really need to start organising my time a little bit better & typing up blog posts/ editing photos instead of sitting around watching crap TV.

  • Speaking of which, I've watched many, many films & a lot of TV this month. The Help, Wolf of Wall Street, Definitely Maybe, the first seven Harry Potters, Scooby Doo, Tommy Tiernan: Something Mental, not to mention Dancing on ICE, The Voice of Ireland, Splash, AND Operation Transformation. What can I say, it's exam time.

  • I got back to Germany on the 5th of January, in a flurry of tears & sad goodbyes, but I also booked my tickets home for my semester break & managed to settle in a bit better.

  • I became obsessed with getting rid of blackheads - Thermal masks, steaming, extractions, the works. Today I bought a blackhead remover & plan on trying out Una Brennan's Clay Mask when I get home, after Twitter recommendations. 

  • I bleached my hair again! No joke, I had dark hair for all of a month and it annoyed me so much. I am now white blonde again, with plans to have pink, purple, & blue ombre (once my orals are done.)

  • I started the month commenting on as many blogs as possible, but that's fallen by the wayside a bit now that I'm studying flat out. But I'm determined that by this time next week I'll be back in the swing of things, especially after this post on Make Up Monster about supporting Irish bloggers, & now that there's a dedicated Twitter account!

  • I went for an amazing Mexican meal with my boyfriend, but my starter of nachos filled me up so much that I could barely even start of my quesadilla. The pitcher of margaritas helped though.

  • I cried over the fact that a lot of music acts I LOVE (Ellie Goulding, Jake Bugg, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Arctic Monkeys, Kodaline, Kings of Leon) are playing Marlay Park this July & I most likely won't be home for any of them. It hurts.

How was your January? Other than being the longest month EVER!

Chloe x


  1. My boyfriend and I were quesadilla mad last week! We had them two days in a row. I also left Ireland on the 5th but thankfully managed not to be a blubbering mess in the airport, unlike when I moved in November and had to hide in the bathroom before my flight!

    1. My quesadilla was really dry :( It's a good thing I had the nachos & margaritas! Haha I was grand leaving in September, until I got on the plane!

  2. Thanks for the shout out lady! Loving your consumption of tv and movies this month ;) So happy January is over!

    1. No problem Karen, hope you don't mind me using your idea! Same, it really dragged out!

  3. "I've watched many, many films & a lot of TV this month. What can I say, it's exam time." - has me and my sister roaring laughing x

    1. Haha thanks Sarah, my friend & I were talking about it the other day, fims/TV watching goes up A LOT when we should be studying! x


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